Patient Partnership Index 2023 – The Highlights

Patient Partnership Index 2023 – The Highlights

Last month, we published the results of the 2023 Patient Partnership Index. This year’s Index
saw another strong suite of entries, including GOLD standard entries from:

  • AKU Society and the DevelopAKUre Consortium
  • Gilead Sciences and the Elton John AIDS Foundation (RADIAN partnership)
  • Kyowa Kirin and Lymphoma Action
  • Pfizer UK and the Patients Association
  • Sanofi UK & Ireland and the #ThisIsRareThisIsMe partnership

What these entries highlight is the growing emphasis our industry places on true partnership
working between pharmaceutical, biotech or MedTech companies and patient groups.

We’re very pleased to be able to share some of the highlights from this year’s index. Take a look at our infographic, and why not share it with someone you think has a partnership worth celebrating.


If you would like to learn more about the patient partnership index or OVID Health’s wider patient advocacy offering, get in touch via [email protected], and sign up to the OVID newsletter to receive the latest news about all things OVID.